Craniosacral Therapy amplifies the body’s natural capacity for self repair, resulting in profound physical and psychological benefits. It can help restore balance to the nervous system, increase resilience, and encourage the integration of life experiences.
Who is Craniosacral Therapy suitable for?
People come for different reasons: support through major or minor illnesses, life transitions (like changes in the family, births, separation, bereavement, accidents) while others may have aches, pains, minor or major injuries. People are also drawn to the therapy for its deeply relaxing and meditative qualities. This therapy can help you to build inner resources and recover from shocks, traumas or simply from feeling out of sorts. Cranial work is relevant for all stages of life and all ages, the gentle and non intrusive approach is suitable for babies and the elderly.

‘The same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures.'
What happens in a session?
You are invited to sit or lay down fully clothed. The practitioner will place her hands lightly on your body and engage in deep listening. Our cells express rhythmic movement fundamental to life which we call the Breath of Life. Therapists are trained to feel this motion similar to listening to wrist pulse. You may become aware of heat, tingling, pulsations or other sensations and you may also feel a deep sense of relaxation. The process of coming into body awareness and building resources can help you develop a more proactive approach to your own health. In the case of babies or young children the work is done between play or in the care of the guardian present. In the first session for any under age patient, the presence of both parents will be required where appropriate.
How many sessions do I need?
Major shifts can happen in just one session. However, depending on your circumstances and your enquiry, you may like to continue with further sessions. Typically three sessions will be proposed. The first session tends to be longer as a comprehensive case history will be taken. To discuss your enquiry and make an appointment, please get in touch. We are available Tuesday to Friday.
Illustrations - The Night Life of Trees
Gond Tribe Artists, Madhya Pradesh, India
You can book private consultations in Shamanic Counselling and Shamanic Healing. These include the following core shamanic practices: soul retrieval / power objects / rituals / sound healing / unravelling energy blocks / ancestral line work / compassionate de-possession / extraction work / power allies and protectors and more. Typically a session starts with a diagnostic journey and according to what has been revealed I draw up a map of the work that needs to be undertaken. This is then discussed and agreed with the client together with the estimated cost.
Please have in mind that some of the work can be done at a distance.
To make an appointment, arrange a Skype meeting or for any questions you may have about any of the above.
Contact me at cosmicself@icloud.com
Or text your email or contact number to 07805048689
Illustrations - The Night Life of Trees
Gond Tribe Artists, Madhya Pradesh, India
The Shamanic journey takes us to a rich tapestry of both personal and collective myths. Journey work is essentially practical, helping us to unravel problematics in everyday life as well as showing us a way to understand and read into the richness of the world we inhabit, beyond the limitations of or human mental constructs and assumptions. Soundscapes of instruments and voice will be our guides to open the gates to a magical world replete with possibility and revelation. Approximately once a month on a Friday evening (6.30-8.30pm) I offer a circle meeting where we engage in shamanic journey work, learning a safe and sound method that evolves with our commitment to the work. We gather a circle of allies and teachers that can help to unravel particular issues about relationships, family constellation, ancestral work and much more.
Upcoming dates:
Contact me at cosmicself@icloud.com
Or text your email or contact number to 07805048689