We offer two Silent Retreats every year, one in the Winter and another in the later Summer. Arrival is at 3 pm on Friday, departure at 2pm on Sunday.
Shaucha | 19th -21st January
Shaucha purification is a winter retreat that pauses the perennial question ‘Who am I?’ From the dawn of time the path to our human soul has been a long pilgrimage into the depths of our being. At times challenging, difficult, painful even, at other times wondrous, full of marvel and enchantement and occasionally just simple, tranquil, evident.
In all traditions, to undertake that journey back home requires a purification of body and mind, a deconstruction of the ego self so that: ‘the Seer can be revealed in its true form” Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras I-3 This Winter retreat incorporates intensive methods from both Yogic and Shamanic lore. Blind-folded practices, advanced pranayama and asana, meditations, shamanic journeying and dreaming tasks.
Santosha | 21st - 23rd September
Santosha, contentment, is conceived to access and remove deeply held tensions through a rich yogic methodology comprising pranayama, mantra japa, guided meditation, long timing gentle yoga , deep relaxation and yoga Nidra, supported inversions and poetic reflections.
Contact Sama to book or for further details.